Fake News & Politische Orientierung | In-Mind fragt Prof. Tobias Rothmund

Wann sind wir für Fake News besonders anfällig? Was hat unser Selbstbild mit unserer politischen Orientierung zu tun? Darüber haben wir mit Prof. Tobias Rothmund von der Universität Jena gesprochen.

Rothmund, T., Bromme, L., & Azevedo, F. (2019). Justice for the People? How Justice Sensitivity Can Foster and Impair Support for Populist Radical‐Right Parties and Politicians in the United States and in Germany. Political Psychology.

Rothmund, T., Baumert, A. & Zinkernagel, A. (2014). The German “Wutbürger”: How Justice Sensitivity Accounts for Individual Differences in Political Engagement. Social Justice Research, 27, 24–44.

Rothmund, T., Stavrova, O. & Schlösser, T. (2017). Justice Concerns Can Feed Nationalistic Concerns and Impede Solidarity in the Euro Crisis: How Victim Sensitivity Translates into Political Attitudes. Social Justice Research, 30, 48–71.